History of PMTO

Since the 1970s, colleagues at the Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC) have developed and tested theory-based interventions to treat and prevent conduct and associated problems in children and youth. This research, which has been supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has generated a set of intervention programs that are now recognized as evidence-based programs (EBP). The basic model underlying these methods is called GenerationPMTO (Parent Management Training—Oregon). GenerationPMTO provides preventive and clinical interventions for families of youngsters with behavioral problems in the externalizing spectrum (e.g. aggression, antisocial behavior, conduct problems, conduct disorder, oppositional defiance, delinquency, and substance use) as well as associated problems (depression, academic problems, and deviant peer association).
The first nationwide implementation of GenerationPMTO began in 1999 in Norway. Since then leaders from Europe and Canada to right here in Michigan have contracted with Implementation Sciences International, Inc. (ISII) for the system-wide training of professionals.
The first implementation of Michigan’s PMTO Generation One began in 2004. The goal was to establish a sustainable EBP to serve Michigan families in need through the community mental health system of care.
History of Michigan’s Implementation of PMTO
In 2004, the State of Michigan was looking for an evidence-based model that would assist children with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and their families. They contacted Marion Forgatch, Ph.D., of ISII about the PMTO model and the possibility of implementing it in Michigan. The State in 2004 conducted a pilot training of community mental health candidates from Oakland, Kalamazoo, and Marquette counties and produced six PMTO specialists. ISII continued training with community mental health candidates from throughout the State of Michigan and produced 18 PMTO specialists. This group is referred to as Generation One. In 2007 Generation One then began training an additional 93 community mental health candidates (Generation Two). Today in Michigan we have set up our infrastructure and are able to offer individual and group format of PMTO in 41 counties. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is very committed to implementing PMTO in all Community Mental Health (CMH) organizations throughout the state of Michigan.
Results thus far have demonstrated excellent outcomes for Michigan’s youth with SED and their families. Under the guidance of MDHHS, statewide PMTO implementation is continuing to move forward in training new candidates and identifying future coaches, evaluators, and trainers. Most of all, the State of Michigan is pleased to offer this model to our families and support the great work they are doing every day to raise our future in their children.